Train Departures

Departures from Amsterdam Centraal:

See here all current departures for all railway stations in the Netherlands.

Train tickets from Schiphol Airport to Amsterdam Central
The cheapest train ticket from Schiphol Airport to Amsterdam Central is € 4.50 (one way, without discount card).

Prices for train tickets

These are the prices for train tickets between Schiphol Airport and Amsterdam Central. Return tickets are valid on the same day. If you make the return trip on a different day, you can buy two single trips.

Discount tickets are only valid with a discount card (such as Dal Voordeel). Some discounts only apply outside peak times. Peak times are on weekdays between 6:30 AM and 9 AM and between 4 PM and 6:30 PM. There are no peak times on weekends and national holidays.

Amsterdam Central is the departure point for countless journeys, connecting travelers to destinations across the country and throughout Europe. Here, you’ll find up-to-the-minute information on train schedules, platforms, and routes, helping you plan your journey with ease and confidence.

With departures heading to major Dutch cities like Rotterdam, Utrecht, and The Hague, as well as international connections to Paris, Brussels, and beyond, Amsterdam Central Station is your gateway to exploring both the Netherlands and Europe. Our live departure board ensures you have the latest updates on departure times, any delays, and platform changes, making it easy to stay informed and on schedule.

In addition to essential travel information, Amsterdam Central Station offers a range of amenities to make your journey more comfortable. From shops and dining options to luggage storage and customer service desks, everything you need is conveniently located within the station.

Whether you’re commuting, embarking on a weekend getaway, or beginning a cross-border adventure, we’re here to help you start your trip on the right track. Safe travels, and enjoy the journey from Amsterdam Central Station!